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Here’s our 2023 Annual Report

Nation Ford Land Trust is a 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in the Carolinas by preserving land that holds ecological or historical value.

The goals of the land trust are:

  • To control the use of land by acquiring interest in significant property
  • To educate the public of the necessity, importance, benefits, and impact of open spaces
  • To operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes

The rapid growth of the county requires special care to preserve our natural heritage. With undeveloped land becoming more scarce, many people are concerned about preserving our remaining natural areas. The Nation Ford Land Trust is one way to conserve this heritage.

Nation Ford’s volunteer board of directors focuses our mission on a monthly basis. A professional staff searches for opportunities to engage every segment of our community in preserving the best parts of our scenic landscape and heritage.

Sustainable Development Produces Successful Communities  

We’ve all seen the development increases in eastern York County and the Charlotte region. In fact, recently reported by The Herald, York and Lancaster Counties are among the top ten in the nation for population growth.  If you compare images of the Piedmont region from 1997 to 2016, there is a noticeable loss to the green open spaces and a measurable increase in housing and economic developments.

Development is vital for economic growth and stability; however, development must be balanced with protected green space. In fact, green space benefits businesses and communities through:

  • Property value increase
  • Providing space for parks, trails, and athletic fields, which would attract families and industries
  • Reduce cost of services
  • Improve quality of life
  • Promote healthy lifestyle
  • Protect wildlife habitats and watershed protection
  • Pollution control

We are not anti-development, we are pro-sustainable development.


Check out our Accomplishments, Conservation Easements, or Properties Owned pages to read about our continued commitment to land conservation that includes but is not exclusive to:

  • Working with a major university and the Catawba Indian Nation resulted in a significant stretch of the Catawba River being permanently protected.
  • Open communication with a developer allowed for the preservation of one of York County’s most significant Civil War sites.
  • Forging a partnership with both state and county governments and a local non-profit allowed for the protection of the Revolutionary War site of the Battle of Hucks Defeat and expanded Historic Brattonsville.
  • Being a partner with York County Council led to the establishment of South Carolina’s first local government land preservation program, the award-winning York County Forever.
  • Working with a private landowner and local government helped Nation Ford protect York County’s most visible resource: Nanny’s Mountain.
  • Demonstrating that listening leads to success, Nation Ford worked with businesses and governments from across our region to develop the Catawba River Corridor Plan to guide the protection of this scenic resource for years to come.

Gifts can be made to the Nation Ford Land Trust in honor of or in memory of a loved one. Your contribution is tax deductible.

NFLA Greenspace
Preserving Greenspace
for all Generations