In 2020, Nation Ford Land Trust conserved 1,700 acres in a conservation easement in partnership with York County. The property, named Riverbend Park, borders the Catawba River for over five miles and is on its way to being improved as a public, nature-based recreation preserve. The park itself features rich natural land like primary forests, seasonal wetlands, ponds, enormous pines, and expansive meadows.

On August 25th, York County released a draft master plan for Riverbend Park. The purpose of the Riverbend draft masterplan is to create a nature-based outdoor recreation preserve connecting visitors to activities and programs that celebrate the native landscaped and ecosystems of York County. York County wants to hear from residents regarding the draft plan. York County has provided both a PDF report as well as a five-minute video explaining the draft master plan. Please watch the video above and review the online presentation before taking the online public input survey.

After receiving public input, the feedback will be provided to the Riverbend Committee for consideration and recommendation of the plan to York County Council for adoption. Then the recommended plan will go before York County Council for further consideration and adoption.

To keep up with information regarding the Riverbend Park, check out York County’s dedicated webpage for the project at: